Signing a partnership agreement with the Russian sealing operator "Digital Platform Development Center"

The companies intend to develop and strengthen bilateral professional cooperation in improving the transport complex, including international transport corridors.
The autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" ("DITC") was established by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2020 No. 969-r. "DITC" at the state level will participate in improving the efficiency of international transport corridors, including formulating proposals for the development of transport infrastructure.
LLC "CRCP" and "DITC" will jointly develop digital solutions to eliminate logistics restrictions in the transportation of goods, reduce administrative barriers when crossing borders on international routes.
“The market is interested in increasing the volume of movement of goods, developing non-resource exports and increasing incomes of domestic producers, including through the use of digital technologies on international transport corridors. The digitalization of the logistics industry is a matter of the competitiveness of companies. Technologies of the Russian sealing operator “Center for the Development of Digital Platforms” will contribute to increasing the efficiency of all participants in transport and logistics activities ”, comments Aleksey Petrov, Director General of “ DITC”.
Digital solutions currently used to track the transit traffic of goods through the Russian Federation can be applied to other tasks to improve the efficiency of International Transport Corridors. "DITC" together with JSC "CRCP" are planning to conduct joint experiments on the use of electronic navigation seals in the transportation of goods. The results of the experiments will be taken into account in subsequent events for the digitalization of the transport industry.
“The digitalization of transportation processes, the use of electronic means of control and safety of cargo will allow large international shippers to reorient part of their cargo flows to the territory of Russia. They will be able to deliver goods faster and cheaper, the use of an electronic navigation seal makes the delivery safe, ”comments Artem Popov, director of the project management department at CRCP LLC.