Новости — Page 16


Signing a memorandum with NAMA and the "Sea Express" group at the international conference Freight & Shipping-Digital 2021

At the Second International Conference Freight & Shipping. Digital 2021: "Experience in the transformation of the transport industry in the era of the global pandemic", which was conducted in St. Petersburg by the SeaNews information and analytical agency and the Remedy Law Firm with the support of the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, a memorandum was signed on cooperation between the National Association of Maritime Agents, Sea Express Group and ANO Directorate of International Transport ...

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Подписание меморандума с Агентством развития проектных инициатив

9 сентября 2021 года на ВЭФ -2021 состоялось подписание меморандума о взаимодействии сторон и соглашения о сотрудничестве между АНО «ДМТК» и Агентством развития проектных инициатив» (входит в Группу компаний «РЕГИОН»). Согласно подписанному меморандуму Таможенно-логистический терминал КАНИКУРГАН будет участником эксперимента по беспилотной перевозке трансграничных грузов по международному мосту между Благовещенском и Хэйхэ. Так же в ходе заседания российско-китайской подкомиссии по сотрудничеству…

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Memorandum signed between DITC and Eurasian Development Bank

On the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the EDB Tigran Sargsyan and General Director of ANO DITC Alexey Petrov signed a Memorandum that will allow to establish systemic cooperation between organizations in the direction of developing the transport and logistics potential of the Eurasian space, as well as to direct joint efforts to create and develop an ecosystem digital transport corridors of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) is an international financial institution carrying out ...

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LLC "ARPI" and ANO "Agency of the Amur region for attracting investments"

Within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum in 2021, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Limited Liability Company "Agency for the Development of Project Initiatives" represented by its General Director Valeria Repkova and the autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" represented by the General Director of ANO Directorate of International Transport Corridors Alexey Petrov. The purpose of signing the Memorandum is mutually beneficial information cooperation, development and enhancement of the transit potential of the Russian Federation ...

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Unmanned freight transport

On the sidelines of the EEF 2021, Alexey Petrov, Director General of ANO Directorate of International Transport Corridors, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with ANO Agency of the Amur Region for Attracting Investments, represented by Director Pavel Puzanov, and LLC Agency for the Development of Project Initiatives, represented by Valeria Repkova. One of the key projects is the coordination of the organization of an experimental unmanned freight road transport on the bridge over the river. Cupid between logistic ...

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The Digital Initiatives Fund of the Eurasian Development Bank and DITC plan to create an ecosystem of digital transport corridors of the EAEU

Vladivostok, September 2, 2021. The Digital Initiatives Fund of the Eurasian Development Bank (FCI EDB) and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Directorate of International Transport Corridors (ANO DITC) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation plan to create and develop an ecosystem of digital transport corridors of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). A memorandum on this on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum was signed by Tigran Sargsyan, Deputy Chairman of the EDB Management Board, and Aleksey Petrov, Director General of ANO DITC. Document…

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TRANSTEC 2021 will be organized jointly with ANO "Directorate of International Transport Corridors"

16 июня Автономная некоммерческая организация «Дирекция международных транспортных коридоров» (АНО «ДМТК») в лице генерального директора Алексея Петрова и ООО «НЕВА-Интернэшнл», компания – организатор международного форума по развитию транспортных коридоров TRANSTEC, в лице генерального директора Александра Ульянова заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве. Предстоящий форум TRANSTEC 2021 пройдет в соорганизации двух компаний в Санкт-Петербурге с 21 по 24 сентября.   Автономная некоммерческая организация «Дирекция…

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"Center for Strategic Research" and "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" signed a cooperation agreement

On Wednesday June 9, 2021, Vladislav Onishchenko, President of the Center for Strategic Research, and Alexei Petrov, Director General of the Directorate of International Transport Corridors, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization, signed a cooperation agreement. First of all, we are talking about expert, analytical and communication support for the development of the transport complex in Russia. “The ongoing successful formation of modern transport infrastructure in our country has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of Russia as a whole. ...

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The Ministry of Transport created a structure for the development of international transport corridors in Russia

INTERFAX.RU - The Ministry of Transport has created an autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" (DITC), through which, together with other departments, it intends to make decisions on the development of international transport corridors passing through the territory of Russia. As stated in the order of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on April 10, the Ministry of Transport will appoint the heads of the DITC, oversee its activities and spending. The Directorate must be registered within a month. Ministry of Transport, ...

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