XVI International Forum on the Development of Transport Corridors "TRANSTEC-2021"

The XVI International Forum on the Development of Transport Corridors “TRANSTEC-2021” was held in St. Petersburg from 21.09.2021 to 24.09.2021, at which ANO “DITC” acted as the official co-organizer of the forum.
As part of the Forum, the following agreements were prepared and signed.
1. Memorandum of cooperation between the Joint Iranian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and ANO "DITC". The subject of this memorandum was information exchange and assistance in strengthening the economies of the two countries.
2. Партнерское соглашение о сотрудничестве АНО «ДМТК» и ООО «Центр развития цифровых платформ», в том числе в части реализации пилотного проекта по отслеживанию перевозок грузов по маршруту Финляндия – Российская Федерация с применением электронных навигационных пломб.
3. Меморандум о сотрудничестве АНО «ДМТК» и ООО «Цифровые решения регионов», в том числе в части цифрового управления транспортными потоками с применением интеллектуальных транспортных систем и внедрения цифровых сервисов для повышения эффективности международных транспортных коридоров.
4. Memorandum of cooperation between ANO "DITC", the Self-Regulatory Organization "National Association of Maritime Agents" and LLC "Sea Express", including in terms of increasing the efficiency of the use of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the Russian Federation, e-commerce and joint expert, information -analytical and research activities.
5. Protocol following the meeting with the co-chairman of the Latvian part of the Working Group on Transport, the Russian-Latvian intergovernmental commission.