One of the key projects is the coordination of the organization of an experimental unmanned freight road transport on the bridge over the river. Amur between logistics centers in the region of Blagoveshchensk (Russia) - Heihe (China) through the Kani-Kurgan checkpoint.

The goal of the project is to test new technologies and achieve the following results:
- artificial intelligence testing;
- development of technology m2m (machine - to - machine);
- testing the technology of an intelligent checkpoint;
- working out the transition from the use of paper documents to electronic data exchange;
- reducing the risks of infectious diseases for humans;
- testing the simplification of administrative procedures in connection with border crossing of vehicles and goods;
- increasing the efficiency of state control over cross-border movement of goods;
- calculation of the economic efficiency of unmanned freight road transport.

Normative acts Memorandums with the Agency of the Amur Region for Attracting Investments (link, link) Work plans Road map (link)